jeudi 12 novembre 2009

Real time Multibounce Radiosity Approximation

It is a proposal (refused) for the shader x8 book, I made with my collegue Emmanuel Briney.

We present a algorithm which simulates the light transport during a radiosity calculation solution in real time, using a very simplified representation of the geometry of the scene. All computations are done on the GPU.

First, in a preprocess step, we shoot volume textures which contain needed data ; those textures can be at a low resolution (32x32x32 for example) ; for each texel in those volume textures there is a corresponding world position xyz where we want to approximate radiosity (to simplify a WorldToRadiosityVolume matrix is used), we will call that points radiosity probes .

For each radiosity probes we shoot :

- an environment distance cube map (the distance from the probe to the scene in every directions) ; we transform this cubemap into Spherical Harmonics coefficients, and we store those coefficients in volume textures.

- an environment normal cube map (the normals viewed form the probes divided by distance from probe to surface) ; we average all texels of this cubemap to have what we can call a bent normal and store it in textures.

So for order 1 distance packing we will need 2 float4 textures (one for the distance and one for the bent normal) and for order 2 distance packing we will need three float4 textures (9 components for SH and 3 for the normal).

In the real time process, for each fragment of the scene, we accumulate the path to the light in the reverse order : from the fragment to the light. We use normal and position of the fragment to draw, get the distance to the nearest object in volume textures, then calculate the new position, fetch the normal in the volume texture, calculate the reflection of incident light and so on. With successive iterations we can reconstruct approximatively the multiple bounces of the light through the scene geometry.

In order to calculate light contribution of a single iteration we also probably need an extra RGBA8 volume texture which contains material property of the sampled space, diffuse color and reflectivity for the simplest lighting model are sufficient.

Pseudo code for the main shader :

Reflectivity = 0..1 //material reflectivity

P1 = Position

N1 = Normal

Color = CalculateLighting(P1,N1) * (1-Reflectivity)

for i to numberOfBounce


ShCoefficents = GetSHCoefficientsFromVolumeTextures(P1)

D1 = GetDistanceToNearestObject( ShCoefficents,N1)

P2 = P1 + N1 * D1

N2 = GetNormalAt(P2)

// at each step we can compute the attenuation of the light along the multiple bounces,

// depending on material reflectivity( maybe store in a 3d volume textures too or consider it as constant)

Reflectivity2 = MaterialReflectivity(P2,N2,P1)

Color += CalculateLighting(P2,N2) * Reflectivity * (1-Reflectivity2)

// init next step

R = reflect(N1,N2)

N1 = R

P1 = P2

Reflectivity *= (1-Reflectivity2)


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